There Remaineth Yet Hope That if a Tree Be Cut Down It Will Yet Rise Again

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                      "THE BOOK OF Job"              The Great Debate: Offset Bike Of Speeches (iv-14)          OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS Department          1) To examine the counsel of Chore's friends, what their observations    were, and upon what they based their conclusions regarding Job'due south    suffering  2) To consider Job's response to his friends, how he took their     "communication", and how he continued to vent his complaint over his     suffering          SUMMARY          Following Job's outburst in which he cursed the 24-hour interval of his birth and wondered why those who long for death go on to live, his 3  friends begin offer their counsel.  Eliphaz the Temanite starts with expressing his view that the innocent don't suffer, the wicked practise.  Equally support for his position, he refers to a vision that he had. Chastening Job, Eliphaz then directs Job to seek God'southward forgiveness, reminding him of the blessings that would come if Job repented (four:ane-v:22).  Job defends his rash words equally existence prompted by his grief, and again expresses his desire for death.  Reproaching his friends as being a "deceitful beck", he challenges them to show him where he has sinned.  He then resumes his complaint, asking God a multitude of  questions (6:one-7:21).  Bildad the Shuhite now steps in and rebukes Chore for his strong words.   Maintaining that God is but, he implies that Job's sons died because of their ain transgressions, and if Job were just pure and upright he would be blessed past God.  Appealing to wisdom of the ancients, he  contends the wicked are without back up, and that God volition not cast  abroad the blameless.  If Chore would only repent, God would fill him one time once more with laughter and rejoicing (8:1-22).  Job basically agrees, but wonders who can really be righteous in God's sight in view of His  wisdom and forcefulness.  He so complains of God'southward inaccessibility, and  maintains his own integrity while concluding that God destroys the  clean-living along with the wicked.  Feeling hopeless, Job bemoans the  lack of a mediator between him and God.  Once again, he gives gratuitous  course to his complaint as he lashes out with more than questions directed toward God (9:ane-10:22).  Finally, Zophar the Naamathite enters the dialogue with his own rebuke of Job for his rash words.  Indicating that Job has actually received less suffering than he deserves, he reproaches Job trying to search out the deep things of God.  Instead, Job should be putting away iniquity  and wickedness, for and so he would abide in brightness, security and  hope (11:1-20).  In response, Job chides his friends for their try to impart wisdom simply succeeding only in mocking him.  Affirming the wisdom of God, Chore says the advice of his friends has been of little help.  He calls them "forgers of lies" and "worthless physicians" who take only given him "proverbs of ashes" and "defenses of clay". Confident of his own integrity, Task once again expresses his desire to speak with God to ask Him what he has done to deserve such suffering.  Once  once again despairing of hope, he longs for death (12:one-14:22).          OUTLINE          I.            ELIPHAZ SPEAKS AND Job RESPONDS            (4:1-7:21)          A. THE COUNSEL OF ELIPHAZ (4:1-5:27)          1.          Introductory remarks (4:1-6)          a. Though he does not wish to weary Job, he cannot refrain              from speaking          b. Job has strengthened others in the past, now he needs              strengthening          c. Is Chore non trusting in his ain confidence and integrity?       2.          Eliphaz'due south view:  The innocent don't suffer, the wicked practise          (4:seven-11)          a. When take the innocent ever perished?          b. Simply I take seen the wicked perish by the blast of God, just             like the lions       3.          In support of his view:  Eliphaz appeals to a vision (4:12-21)          a. A terrifying vision, in which he heard a phonation          b. A revelation that man cannot be more righteous than God          c. If angels can exist charged with error, how much more then men              of clay?          d. Note:  Eliphaz is appealing to "subjective revelation"             1) His example shows the mistake of highly-seasoned to such to                 determine truth             2) "Cypher is more essential than testing experience past an                objective standard of reality. When God has spoken                 concerning a thing, that is decisive for all the issues                involved. His word must exist the court of appeal for all                thoughts, impressions, and views." (Newton Wray)       4.          Eliphaz warns Chore (5:i-7)          a. There is danger in the anger of a foolish human          b. Such a one will see his sons crushed and his harvest              depleted          c. Affliction comes because human is built-in to trouble       5.          Eliphaz directs Job (v:8-16)          a. Seek God and commit your cause to Him          b. For God does great things, catching the wise in their own              craftiness, saving the needy and giving hope to the poor       6.          Chore reminded of God's blessings on those who accept His           chastening (5:17-26)          a. Happy is the man God corrects; don't despise His chastening          b. God will brand him whole, and protect him in times of             trouble          c. God will requite him peace, many descendants, and long life       -- Eliphaz's conclusion:          "This we have searched out; information technology is true.          Hear it and know for yourself." (v:27)          B. JOB'S REPLY (vi:1-seven:21)          1.          He justifies his rash words (6:1-7)          a. They are prompted by his heavy grief          b. He is experiencing the poisonous arrows and terrors of the             Almighty          c. Animals don't complain when well fed; but nutrient has become             loathsome to him       2.          He longs for decease, while his integrity is still intact           (6:8-thirteen)          a. He wishes that God would get ahead and crush him          b. So he would accept some comfort in knowing that he had not             concealed (or denied) the words of God          c. How long can he hope to endure?       three.          Task reproaches his friends (6:14-23)          a. They should accept shown proper kindness          b. They take been like a deceitful brook, that disappoints              those who come to it          c. They accept been afraid of what they accept seen          d. He had not asked for their assistance       four.          He challenges them to evidence him where he has sinned (6:24-xxx)          a. Show him his mistake and he will be quiet          b. Reproving him with no proof is of no benefit, it is like             overwhelming the fatherless and undermining 1's friend          c. Look at him once again and care for him justly, at that place is no             injustice in him       5.          Chore now resumes his complaint (7:ane-10)          a. His life is ane of hard servitude, with months of futility             and wearisome nights          b. The condition of his flesh makes him toss all night          c. His days swiftly go by with no hope of always seeing good             again          d. He expects to descend to the grave and soon forgotten       vi.          Task speaks out in the anguish of his soul (7:11-21)          a. Why does God terrify him with dreams and visions, so that             he longs for decease?          b. Why is God testing him every moment?  How long volition this go             on?          c. Why can't God just leave him alone?          d. How has he sinned?  What has he done to become a target for             God?          due east. If he has sinned, why doesn't God pardon his transgression?          f. Equally it is, he will but go alee and die, and then God won't             take to carp with him anymore (the sort of foolish              statement for which Chore later repents,          42:3,6)          II.            BILDAD SPEAKS AND Job RESPONDS            (viii:1-10:22)          A. THE COUNSEL OF BILDAD (eight:one-22)          1.          Introductory remarks (1-7)          a. He rebukes Task for his words          b. He maintains that God deals justly          c. If Job'due south sons sinned, they were killed for their              transgression          d. Restoration would occur if Job would but seek God and              apologize       2.          Bildad appeals to the wisdom of the ancients (8-xviii)          a. Heed what others have already learned, for our time is              curt          b. The wicked are like the papyrus with no back up, for they             soon wither          c. God will non bandage abroad the clean-living, nor volition He uphold             the evildoers (the implication is "Job, you are not              blameless")          d. God will yet restore Task (assuming he repents)          B. Chore'S REPLY (9:1-10:22)          1.          He agrees with Bildad, merely who can truly be righteous before           God? (nine:1-13)          a. No one can argue with God, He is too wise and strong          b. Job provides numerous examples of God's ability       2.          Because of such power, Job's complains of God'southward inaccessibility          (nine:14-20)          a. Fifty-fifty if he were righteous (perfect?), Job would be unable             to answer God          b. For fifty-fifty now God multiplies his wounds without cause          c. His own mouth would condemn him under the weight of God'due south             strength       3.          Maintaining his claim to innocence, he concludes that God           destroys the blameless along with the wicked (9:21-24)          a. Job professes to exist clean-living, merely has lost his will to              live          b. He knows of no other conclusion simply that God looks lightly             at the plight of the innocent       4.          Feeling hopeless, Job bemoans the lack of a mediator (9:25-35)          a. His days go by, with no good to be seen          b. Why even try, if God has called to condemn him?          c. He knows at that place is no way to reason with God, and there is             no one to mediate betwixt them          d. If God would simply accept His rod from him, but such is not              the case       v.          In hurting, Job gives free course to his complaint (ten:1-22)          a. God, why do You condemn Me?  Tell me why!          b. Does it seem salubrious to despise the work of Your             hands?          c. Are You having to search for my iniquity, like a mortal              man?          d. Have You made me, just to destroy me?          e. Whether I am wicked or righteous, Your indignation              increases toward me!          f. Why then did You permit me exist born?  How I wish I had died at             birth!          yard. Tin't You leave me solitary so I tin take a little condolement             before I dice and enter the "country of darkness"?          Iii.            ZOPHAR SPEAKS AND Chore RESPONDS            (eleven:1-14:22)          A. THE COUNSEL OF ZOPHAR (11:i-20)          ane.          Affirms that Job has received less than he deserves (11:1-six)          a. The multitude of Job's words telephone call for refutation          b. Job claims innocence; if merely God would speak and show his             true guilt          c. God has exacted less from Job than he deserves       2.          Reproaches Job for desiring to search out God's hidden means          (eleven:seven-12)          a. Can Job find that which is across his ability to know?          b. God cannot be hindered, and considers the wickedness of man          c. A not-and so-subtle rebuke of Job as a foolish giddy human       3.          Promises restoration upon repentance and confession of sin          (11:13-20)          a. Seek the Lord and put away sin if you lot wish to exist pure and             steadfast          b. You would forget your misery and abide in effulgence,             security and hope          c. But the wicked volition non escape, and their only hope is loss             of life          B. JOB'South Respond (12:1-14:22)          1.          He chides his accusers (12:1-12)          a. Mocking their wisdom, he also has wisdom          b. Though just and blameless, he has been mocked; meanwhile             the wicked prosper          c. Wisdom is not express to Chore's friends; all nature              testifies of wisdom and it comes with age       2.          He affirms God'south ain wisdom and strength (12:thirteen-25)          a. God can do what He wants, and none can stop Him          b. He can overpower the wise and mighty, even the nations       three.          The advice of his friends has been no help (13:ane-12)          a. He already knows what they know; he desires to reason with             God          b. They merits to speak for God, merely they are worthless              physicians and forgers of lies          c. Their platitudes and defenses are worthless       4.          Confident of his own integrity, Job again wishes to speak with          God (13:13-nineteen)          a. Let him speak, for he is willing to take what comes          b. Fifty-fifty if God slays him, he will continue to trust Him          c. He desires to defend himself before God, he cannot remain             silent       five.          Job appeals to God for an audience (13:20-28)          a. Upon the conditions of removing His hand and not              overwhelming him with dread, Task would speak with God          b. He desires to know where he has sinned, and why God regards             him every bit an enemy          c. Why has God so punished him?       six.          He expresses hopelessness in this life (14:ane-12)          a. Life is brief and troublesome, his days are numbered          b. Cut down a tree, and it will sprout again; but when human being              dies, he is no longer here as long every bit the heavens terminal       7.          He longs for death (xiv:13-22)          a. That God would so hibernate him from His wrath until it is past          b. Man's hope is slowly eroded equally he goes through life, until             he knows no more of this life          REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THIS Department          1) Which of his 3 friends outset responded to Job? (4:one)          - Eliphaz the Temanite          2) What was his master statement? (4:7-8)          - Who always perished being innocent?    - Those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the aforementioned          three) To what did he appeal in support of his argument? (4:12-xiii)          - A dream or vision          4) What does he encourage Job to do? (5:8)          - To seek God and commit his crusade to Him          v) What does he encourage Job not to do? (5:17)          - Despise the chastening of the Almighty          6) How does Job justify his rash words? (6:2-three)          - They were prompted by his troubles and heavy grief          7) For what does Job long? (6:8-9)          - That God would go alee and beat him (i.e., he longed for death)          8) How does Job describe his friends? (6:fourteen-15)          - Like a mendacious brook          9) What challenge does Task requite his friends? (6:24)          - Show him his error and he will be quiet          10) As Job resumes his complaint, what does he say has been given to     him? (seven:3,5)          - Months of futility and tiresome nights    - Mankind caked with worms and dust, skin which cracks and breaks      afresh          11) How does he depict his days? (7:6)          - Swifter than a weaver's shuttle, spent without promise          12) In such anguish, what does Job say he volition do? (7:11)          - Mutter in the bitterness of his soul          thirteen) What does he enquire of God? (seven:xx-21)          - Have I sinned?  What accept I done to You?    - If so, why don't you pardon my transgression?          14) Who is the second person to reply to Job? (8:i)          - Bildad the Shuhite          15) For what does he rebuke Job? (8:2)          - His strong words          16) What does he counsel Chore to do? (8:v-seven)          - Earnestly seek God and be pure if he desires restoration          17) To what did he appeal in support of his argument? (viii:eight-10)          - Things discovered by their ancestors (i.due east., the wisdom of the       ancients)          eighteen) What does Bildad conclude concerning God? (8:20)          - God will not cast away the clean-living, nor uphold the evildoers          19) How does Chore initially respond to Bildad? (9:two)          - He basically agrees, just how can one exist righteous before God?          20) What does Job bemoan? (9:32-33)          - The lack of a mediator betwixt him and God          21) As Job gives continues his complaint, what does he ask of God?      (10:1-2,18,20)          - Show him why He contends with him    - Why did God bring him out of the womb?    - Why can't God but leave him lone and let him die?          22) Who is the third person to respond to Job? (eleven:i)          - Zophar the Naamathite          23) What does he affirm concerning Job? (eleven:six)          - He had received less than his iniquity deserved          24) For what does he reproach Chore? (11:7)          - Trying to search out the deep things of God          25) What does Zophar say would be true of Job if he repented?      (11:13-16)          - He would exist pure, steadfast, free of fear and misery          26) How does Job mock his friends? (12:2)          - By proverb that wisdom will die with them          27) How did Job feel he was being treated past his friends? (12:4)          - That they were mocking him          28) How does Job depict his friends? (xiii:iv)          - Equally forger of lies and worthless physicians          29) How does Job depict their speeches? (13:12)          - As proverbs of ashes, and defenses of clay          30) What ii things does Job request if God should grant him an      audience? (13:twenty-21)          - For God to withdraw His hand far from him    - For God not to make him afraid          31) What does Chore wish God would reveal to him? (13:23-24)          - How many are his iniquities and sins    - Why God hides His confront and regards Chore as an enemy          32) How does Chore view the life of man? (xiv:1-2)          - Of few days and full of trouble    - Like a flower that presently fades away, as a fleeting shadow that is      quickly gone          33) From his earthly perspective, how does Job compare himself with a      tree? (xiv:vii-12)          - At that place is more than hope for a tree, for a tree cut downwardly will rise once more          34) What request does Job make again? (14:13)          - That God would go ahead and allow him to die        
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