Will I Continue to Gain Weight With Metoprolol

Avatar f tn On the few occasions that I did gain weight (usually over the holidays), I was able to diet and exercise and get the weight down to where it should be with no problem. Not anymore. I have complained to my PCP many times over the years, and he refuses to even consider that the meds could be causing the problem, says I am getting older and my metabolism is slowing down, premenopausal weight gain, eating too much, etc. I don't eat any more than I used to, in fact I eat less and still gain.

Avatar f tn You can look on drug info sites and see that anxiety is an infrequent side effect of metoprolol and other BBs. Same with weight gain, and even a reference to increasing any pre-existing depression. When you have rare side effects, it can be difficult to convince anybody that the effect is real and does come from the drug. I'd identify what web sites he would consider to be as authoritative sources, then print web pages from those sources that list your symptoms as rare side effects.

Avatar f tn Hello, My doctor as put me on 25 mg metoprolol extened release daily for palpitations. I am reading on the web about weight gain and hair loss. Does hanyone has any experience with this medicine--good or bad? I am 38 years old otherwise healthy, active person and I eat right but am little nervous about starting the medicine as i have heard once you go on it, you have to take it forever. Someone please advise---share your experience with the medicine. Thank you.

19887518 tn?1486048647 What about weight gain. I try so hard to lose weight and have been making some progress. Since starting the Metoprolol a few weeks ago I've gained 3.5 lbs. It's hard enough to lose weight having a pill make it tougher or impossible is disheartening. Have any of you had weight gain? Will the pill continue to put weight on or make it tougher to lose? Or will the gain stop after the intial 3.5 lbs gain?

Avatar n tn He has the shakes so bad he cannot eat, becuase he cannot eat he is losing his appetite and strength. They put him on a beta-blocker Metoprolol. He coughs so bad he chokes.

Avatar n tn Hi - I have a question for all of you metoprolol users...is it possible to gain weight on 12.5 mgs per day? :( I'm a very active 53 yo woman (cardio 60 min daily, weight training 4x a week, martial arts 3 x). How is it possible that I'm struggling to keep from gaining weight? I'm currently looking at my calorie intake and also the macro allocation, but one would think with all of the cardio, sparring and weigh training keeping the weight off would be easy!

Avatar f tn 25mg daily of Metoprolol is considered to be a low dose. By comparison, I'm on 75mg per day. I personally can't explain your rapid weight gain, but I'll offer this: It's most likely not caused by an increase in body mass, but by fluid retention, and why you're retaining fluid is what I would explore. Metoprolol does tend to reduce metabolism rate.... A LITTLE, and yes I gained some weight while I have been on it (10 years). For me, it's body mass, not fluid retention.

Avatar n tn I used both, and found that side effects are similar; tiredness, weight gain, and a slow pulse. Side effects are more pronounced as the dosage is increased. I had dosages from 25mg to 200mg. daily. Other reported effects are loss of libido, tightness in the chest, itching, irregular breathing, and irregular heartbeat. If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to respond based on my experience with the drug.

Avatar f tn I have been on both citalopram and prozac but citalopram was longterm weight gain, dry mouth and headaches and prozac major short term weight gain. Came of prozac for that reason after only a few months and wonder if it would've settled with time, or go back to the one i was on for 12 years but had some side effects including weight gain. Doc says my last option is mirtazapine but it is also an appetite stimulator.

Avatar f tn Hello, My doctor as put me on 25 mg metoprolol extened release daily for palpitations. I am reading on the web about weight gain and hair loss. Does hanyone has any experience with this medicine--good or bad? I am 38 years old otherwise healthy, active person and I eat right but am little nervous about starting the medicine as i have heard once you go on it, you have to take it forever. Someone please advise---share your experience with the medicine. Thank you.

19887518 tn?1486048647 I realize it is possible that the gain is completely un-related but highly un-likely, I log my weight everyday and divide by seven for a weekly average, I'm meticulous. This gain is completely in-consistent with my normal and my routine/food intake has not appreciably changed. After starting the medication I was somewhat fatigued. At 3 pm I would be wiped out and require a nap. However that appears to be settling out and the majority of my normal energy seems to be returning.

Avatar n tn Well, finding the right antidepressant is sometimes trial and error. If paxil wasn't the right one, there are others. Zoloft is pretty well tolerated. But you have to remember that all of those types of medications take a couple of weeks to get used to! Give them 6 weeks fair trial or else you don't know what it is like to be on them.

Avatar f tn Since I took the test a week ago, I am determined to eat much healthier and lose weight. What do you think about the metoprolol, and do you think that I should see a liver specialist immediately, or try to bring it down with diet for a while and see if that helps? I am otherwise very healthy.

Avatar n tn Hi there. I am a female, 19 years old, otherwise in good health and weight. My electrophysiologist recently put me on a beta blocker (Metoprolol) 25 mg twice a day for hypertension and a ton of other symptoms he said must be due to Neurocardiogenic Syncope. I was diagnosed with asthma a couple years ago and it seems as if the beta blocker is causing shortness of breath and a feeling that seems similar to how I feel after exercising, a sort of chest tightness I would say.

443862 tn?1237999439 I take it and it has caused me to gain 45 lbs and even on weight watchers I can't lose weight! My heartbeat gets so low like in the 40s and bp low low but lately it's gotten 113-67 or 124-78 even as high as 150-90 I went back to doc and may have some congestive heart failure I think it's cause my heart rate is so low!!!

Avatar f tn Thanks for the compliment, and I share this honor with the many others who devote their time and experience on the Community. I'll answer your question as a adjunct to this thread as my input may be of interest to others. I will not argue with the possible side effect of beta blockers, but I can say in my case I can associate weight gain (most of us have some problem with it) with my consuming too many high calorie "goodies".

Avatar n tn When I was on full dose it did manage heart rate well but still made me more lightheaded, lethargic and cause some weight gain. I would really like to address the root cause as I feel it could maybe go away. I have done a natural h pylori protocol once and it helped but then came back it seems.

Avatar f tn The first in two years landed me in the Hospital. My meds were changed from Metoprolol to Diltiazem 360 mg per day and Fleconade 50 mg 2x per day plus Warfarin. The Metoprolol 25mcg 1 x daily has been making me wheeze for the past four years, but no one ever thought to change the meds. I have been on this new med protocol for 1.5 weeks. I just started the Fleconide and Warfarin three days ago. My question is I need to loose 45 pounds asap.

1395903 tn?1280350875 i desperately want to lose some weight and hope that that will make me feel better. i dont think weight gain is causing the anxiety and i'm going today for some fasting tests such as cholesterol and all of them and thyroid levels again and he said he has some other tests he is doing too but i dont know what they are...i will ask today then i have to go back in two weeks to find out results.. at this point i almost hope they find something wrong with me to attest to this anxiety.

Avatar f tn I am a 24-year-old female and have been experiencing many symptoms for the past couple of years, the most disconcerting of which are sleep problems, weight gain, anxiety/depression, memory loss, and profuse sweating. I recently learned that I have been in tachycardia, which would explain the sudden sweating and heat intolerance.

Avatar f tn Though they come back afterwards especially after i lose the weight. My last pregnancy was 5 years ago and i did not lose the weight i had gained this time. I still had pvc's but not as many as when i was very thin. Then several months ago i lost 20 lbs and i noticed my pvc's occuring alot more again. So i was just curious if pvc's can actually occur less when you weigh more ? I also get pac's but not very often.

Avatar m tn Yes, Metoprolol Succinate is the timed release. It is also way more expensive than Metoprolol Tartrate. I switched long ago to the latter and saved a lot of money. A dose costs literally pennies. You have to remember to take it twice a day though. I take it at "5 and 5"; at rising, and at dinner, and it's easy to remember. Metoprolol has the same bradycardia effect as Atenolol, so that has to be watched.

443862 tn?1237999439 I don't think the metoprolol, a beta blocker which; reduces the force and rate of the contraction of the heart, is causing this. The medicines that you take for hyperthyroidism might cause some exacerbation of the "hard heart beat" symptoms, especially if they are contraindicated with metoprolol, of course. Your doctor should be on top of this and I would let him know about it, especially if it just started, or is getting worse.


Source: https://healthquestions.medhelp.org/metoprolol-and-weight-gain

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